Our expert services are offered privately or in groups, live online, or in person, and include workshops, webinars, classes, private sessions and mentoring services. We facilitate dynamic transformation through Intuitive Energetic clearing, Channeling, Clairvoyant & Psychic healing, as well as Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression therapy,
all aimed to assist you to shift into states of deep peace, holistic wellness, and harmonious balance!
"Happiness is a conscious choice that we can choose every second of every minute of every day." ~The Crys
New season 2023-24 open now!
"... Thank you Julien & Dolores for the Peace and Joy you have brought into my life!"
ConsciouslyHappy makes no claims of medical treatment or cure. ConsciouslyHappy is not a substitute for medical care and consultation. It is a supportive and integrative system that is complementary to treatment by a licensed health care provider. ConsciouslyHappy is not a diagnostic method, medical treatment, or a cure. Consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
© 2007-2024 Consciously Happy | Star Asia International Ltd
Experience profound change with Julien & Dolores WILLM
Shift your life and live your infinite potential now!
"... I cannot recommend Julien highly enough. He is a great teacher and a superb practitioner..."
Dr F.H.,Canada
New group Mentoring Program:
"The work that Dolores and Julien do has helped me tremendously navigate through my journey of healing in so many multidimensional levels. I fully recommend Dolores and Julien."
Skype: julien_hk
France: +33-7-83-64-06-25 (Whatsapp)
Canada: +1 (709) 330-0642
Hong Kong: +852-8193-1868
Check the new dates!