21 day Prosperity Activation
Reset your abundance energy

♦ Start the New Year with fresh energy, clarity, and focus!

♦ Gain the ability to connect to the true flow of your Prosperity!

♦ Activate & reset your prosperity energy & mindset!
♦ Strengthen all areas of your life connecting you to the flow of Prosperity and Abundance!

♦ Clear blocks, beliefs, patterns, non-beneficial energy or thinking that stops you from reaching your goals, and living a life of fulfillment!
Clear karma, as well as ancestral & collective lack limitations!

♦ Delete old forgotten manifestations from this or other lifetimes, that no longer benefit you, and can hinder your ability to create fulfilling outcomes now!

♦ Come together as a group and create a supportive and safe space to foster that prosperity energy and mindset!

♦ Strengthen your energy and your ability to attract prosperity on all levels!

♦ And much more to be addressed and activated by your personal questions!

♦ Regular live Q&A sessions to clear any triggers, blocks or energy in the way of your Prosperity for 2024

♦ Receive extra energetic boosts and further clearings through daily recorded messages on different topics, all contributing to your Prosperity

♦ Feelings of lightness, flow, wellbeing, trust, happiness, Joy
♦ Amplify your shift through the group's support, synergy, and letting go
♦ Kick of the New Year with supportive & prosperous energy, feelings of achievement, and motivation
♦ Clear energy on your path to assist in achieving your goals for 2024 and the future
♦ Gain inspiration, insight, and enthusiasm
♦ Feel empowered, strong, and confident to set your goals and move forward in 2024!

♦ Attract Prosperity on all levels: health, wellbeing, relationships, finances, career, purpose, and more!



Start the New Year with a strong conscious Prosperity energy!
Join Dolores, Julien, and a like-minded community for 3 weeks of active energetic change

21 days to reset and activate your new prosperity energy for 2024!
Clear out old stagnant beliefs, patterns, and energies, and start fresh.

Remove lingering blocks that have been standing in your way, and
elevate your Prosperity energy to a new and exciting level!

♦ Time
♦ Love vs. Fear
♦ Lack vs. Enoughness/Plenty
♦ Ancestral patternings
♦ Karma
♦ Beliefs, and how they dictate your experiences
♦ Family dynamics, your birthday, and your birth order

♦ Fitting in

♦ Attracting lasting prosperity

♦ Gratitude and a prosperous attitude
♦ Money, purpose, career
♦ Managing your wealth
♦ Effortlessness and ease

♦ Health & Wellbeing

♦ Loss vs. gain (weight, burdens, heaviness)

♦ Relationships

♦ Feeling more Joy/love/trust/peace/harmony/fulfillment

♦ Being centered/balanced/stable
♦ And much more!

*Refund Policy: Given the nature of the teachings, the limited number of spots available, and the high level of personal responsibility required for this program, there are no refunds after purchase.

Format of the 21 day Prosperity reset

4 live & interactive online Q&A sessions (zoom)
We will meet live on 4 consecutive Mondays for an interactive Q&A webinar

Supplemented by daily recorded energetic clearings

Everyday, for 21 days, you will receive a 10-15 minute recorded video of energetic clearings on selected topics in relation to your prosperity
(no video on the 4 Mondays where we will meet live)

All recordings will be available on your private dashboard, to watch & rewatch, and benefit from the clearings without time limitations!


Full investment:  $197

Become a Club member to instantly receive $100 discount!

Club members:  $97

Activate your Prosperity

Prosperity  /prɒˈspɛrɪti/

The condition of being successful or thriving  (Merriam-Webster)

Key topics
We will clear, reset, and activate your energy on all levels and areas of life, and will address such topics as:

► 4 live Q&A sessions

Mondays | January 29, February 5-12-19, 2024
(6:30am Pacific - 9:30am Eastern - 2:30pm London - 10:30pm HK/Singapore)

► Supplemented by daily recorded energetic clearings!

© 2007-2024 Consciously Happy | Star Asia International Ltd